Firefox logo and iconFirefox logo and icon

Firefox is a great web browser for Mac that offers a lot of benefits, and one way to really improve your Firefox experience is to learn and master some keyboard shortcuts for Firefox on Mac OS. Whether you use Firefox as your default Mac web browser, or as just one of a variety of other options, you’re sure to find these useful.

One of the better ways to improve the user experience with any application is by learning some essential keyboard shortcuts, so here are fifteen such shortcuts for Firefox.

Whether you are new to Firefox or a long time user, this list of keyboard shortcuts will likely be useful to you.

15 Must Know Firefox keyboard shortcuts for Mac Users

  • Spacebar (page down)
  • Shift + Spacebar (page up)
  • Command + D (bookmark current page)
  • Function + F5 (reload current page)
  • Command + T (open new tab)
  • Command + W (close current tab or window)
  • Control + Tab (navigate forward through browser tabs)
  • Control + Shift + Tab (navigate backward through browser tabs)
  • Command + K (go to search box)
  • Command + L (go to address bar)
  • Command + Enter (auto-complete URL within address bar)
  • Command + = (increase screen text size)
  • Command + – (decrease screen text size)
  • Command + F (find text)
  • Control + N (find next occurrence of text)

firefox_iconfirefox_icon These keyboard shortcut commands are aimed at Firefox on Mac OS X, but they will work on Linux and Windows versions of Firefox as well if you simply use the Control key in place of the Command key where appropriate. For example, Control+L instead of Command+L.

You’ll find many of these keyboard shortcuts are the same as what you’d use in Chrome and Safari too, which is nice to have consistency across many web browsers.

For many years I was a die-hard Safari fan and used Safari exclusively as my Mac web browser, you couldn’t have pulled me away from it… that is, until Firefox came along. Firefox is speedy, secure, and entirely cross platform compatible, and is now my primary web browser of choice, though I do still alternate between the other options too.

If you have any handy Firefox keyboard shortcuts you want to share, then you know what to do… post them in the comments below!


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