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I realize that “cheap” is in the eye of the beholder. Not only that — the laptops in this article might not even be as cheap as something you could get off eBay or even as inexpensive as a refurbished laptop.

But, face it: new laptops are almost always going to be more expensive than the equivalently configured desktop PC because of the need for miniaturization of the components. And laptops have to use different (more expensive) technologies to maximize battery life.

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Types of Laptop Batteries:

Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries: These were the first rechargeable batteries manufactured for laptops. They were relatively inexpensive, had high output and versatile, because they could be used in a wide variety of products. However, NiCd batteries have now been abandoned by laptop manufacturers with the introduction of more efficient and lighter-weight batteries.

Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries: NiMH was a big improvement concerning po…

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If you want to bring your laptop with you on a trip, to work or school, you should think about protecting your laptop. You should not simply just shove your laptop into a regular bookbag or briefcase, where it can easily get scraped and possibly damaged. There are laptop bags that you can buy to provide proper protection for your laptop. Laptop bags are specifically designed for laptops with traveling in mind. This article will talk about the best new laptop bags released on …