GITCA, the Global IT Community Association, together with Microsoft User Group Support Services, has announced a 24 hours in the Cloud virtual event. Over one day, 24 user groups will each present for an hour on a Cloud related topic and then hand over to another group one time zone to the west. Interestingly, in all likelihood, this event is likely to be similar to Tech.Ed in scale, although not in cost.
Recognizing the importance of “Cloud Computing” education to the IT professional GITCA and Microsoft User Group Support Services are working together to stage the event. It is intended that the presentations will be done in collaboration with User Groups/Associations around the world that are GITCA member organizations.
The presentations will be open to all who wish to attend. All of the presentations will be recorded for later re-viewing or viewing by those who could not attend at the specified time. The target timeframe for running the event is mid to late March 2011.
Representing over 800 member organizations and over 3.9 million IT professionals, GITCA is the world’s largest international not-for-profit independent organization powered by dedicated volunteers devoted to the development and growth of the IT community by providing services to support leaders and connect user groups, associations, and student IT organizations. User Group Support Services (UGSS) offers a free set of tools specific to user group management and content built specifically for User Group events . These services are available through Codezone (Developer & INETA supported), and now for ITPRO are available through Culminis.
Apart from speaking opportunities, you can also participate in the event in:
- Providing feedback on the sessions being proposed, and suggest content
- Exploring sponsorship opportunities maybe you or your company/service is interested in
- Helping drive attendance by blogging/tweeting and sharing this event using Twitter hashtag #24Cloud
You can find out more about the event at (A better site is in the works).
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