iPad Magic Keyboard tipsiPad Magic Keyboard tips

The iPad Magic Keyboard is ultra popular for good reason, and it’s easily the best accessory available for iPad. With the excellent functionality of a full-size backlit keyboard combined with a great trackpad, Magic Keyboard brings productivity potential to the iPad that is otherwise missing for many users. Plus, Magic Keyboard looks great, with a unique floating design and adjustable viewing angles.

Check out these tips for using the Magic Keyboard with iPad, and you’ll be more productive with the iPad than ever before.

1: Use keyboard shortcuts with iPad

The Magic Keyboard unleashes a huge number of keyboard shortcuts for iPad that can make it easier and quicker to navigate your iPad and use within apps.

Whether it’s the essential keystrokes like Command+Tab app switcher, Command+Spacebar for Spotlight Search, Command+H for going to the Home Screen, or app specific shortcuts which can be seen at anytime by holding down the Command key, you’re sure to find many keyboard shortcuts that can boost your productivity.

2: Use the trackpad gestures

There are a bunch of multitouch trackpad gestures and tricks that become available thanks to the Magic Keyboard’s trackpad, whether it’s a three-finger down swipe to return to the Home Screen, three-finger up swipe for opening the multitasking screen, or swiping left and right with three fingers to switch apps, the multitouch capabilities of the trackpad on Magic Keyboard are handy and versatile.

3: Use the keyboard backlight in low-light situations

The Magic Keyboard includes keyboard backlighting which makes working in the dark or low-light situations much easier.

You can adjust the backlight of the keys through Settings or the keyboard itself, and you can also turn the feature off or on easily too.

4: Get the right viewing angle

The Magic Keyboard allows the iPad to float at an adjustable angle above the keyboard, which makes for an attractive design that is also highly functional. Whether you’re laying in bed, reclining on the couch, or standing upright in the kitchen, you can easily adjust the Magic Keyboard hinge to accommodate whatever task you’re working on.

5: Charge with the Magic Keyboard port to free up the USB-C port on iPad

By charging the iPad through the Magic Keyboard’s side USB-C port, you free up the built-in USB-C port of the iPad to connect other devices, whether that’s an external storage device, hard drive, camera, microphone, external display, or whatever other accessory you’d like to use.

6: Magic Keyboard is the best keyboard case for iPad

If you’re looking for a keyboard case accessory for iPad Pro or iPad Air, the Magic Keyboard is as good as it gets because it is built by Apple to work seamlessly with the iPad. There’s no setup, you just place your iPad onto the Magic Keyboard and it snap to it magnetically, where it charges and connects instantaneously, giving you immediate access to the keyboard and mouse.

If you don’t have a Magic Keyboard for your iPad yet, it’s a worthwhile investment, as long as your iPad supports the Magic Keyboard anyway. Basically any modern iPad Pro, or iPad Air M1 or newer, will support the keyboard. Just be sure to get one that works with your particular device, and enjoy the discounts that are offered on the Magic Keyboard from Amazon too:

  • iPad Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro 12.9″ 3rd gen or newer
  • iPad Magic Keyboard for 11″ iPad Pro, and 10.9″ iPad Air M1, or newer

Magic Keyboard prices fluctuate often on Amazon, with discounts ranging from 5% to 20% depending on the day. These are affiliate links with Amazon, meaning we may get a small commission from a sale that goes to help support this site. You can also buy the Magic Keyboard from Apple, but Apple basically never discounts their hardware directly, so why pay full price when you don’t need to?
