Remove Apps from LaunchpadRemove Apps from Launchpad

Launchpad is the iOS-like application launcher that came to Mac OS X with the release of 10.7 Lion. It’s a nice addition, but Launchpad can also be difficult and inconsistent to delete apps from. Third party utilities like Launchpad-Control will help to manage Launchpad for you, but if you’re a DIY kind of individual, you want to know how to manually delete apps and icons from Launchpad, both on a per app basis but also a fell swoop method that will delete all apps from the launcher.

Remove Applications from Launchpad One at a Time

There are two ways to do this, one is through the Launchpad itself, and the other is through the Terminal using the command line:

Method 1) Using Launchpad – Mac App Store apps only
Hold down the Option key, and once the icons start jiggling click the “X” shown in the corner of icons that you want to delete. This removes the app from Launchpad, and does not uninstall them, but this is limited to apps installed from the Mac App Store. If you want to remove an app not installed through the Mac App Store, you have to use the method below:

Method 2) Using the Terminal – removes any application
Launch the Terminal and enter the following command, replacing “APPNAME” with the name of the application you want to remove from Launchpad:

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Dock/*.db "DELETE from apps WHERE title='APPNAME';" && killall Dock

For example, removing TmpDisk would be:

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Dock/*.db "DELETE from apps WHERE title='TmpDisk';" && killall Dock

Launchpad will automatically refresh, open it to see the changes.

Remove All Applications from Launchpad

Using the Terminal again, the entire Launchpad can be wiped free of all apps, giving you a fresh start. To do this, enter the following command in the Terminal:

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application Support/Dock/*.db "DELETE from apps; DELETE from groups WHERE title<>''; DELETE from items WHERE rowid>2;"; killall Dock

Note that there is no undoing this last change, if you use that command you will have to manually add all apps on your own by dragging them into the Launchpad dock icon, or go with the default approach by refreshing Launchpad.

This final nuclear approach is fairly helpful,and was mentioned recently on Lifehacker.

Enjoy this? Don’t miss our other Launchpad tips, there’s tons of them.


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