
The Mac OS X Terminal includes a great feature that lets you quickly access new manual pages from any existing Terminal window.

All you need to do is Right-click on a command or process name and select “Open man Page” from the contextual menu, this will create a new terminal window with the manual page of that command, outfitted in the lovely yellow man page theme.

open a man page from the Terminal in OS Xopen a man page from the Terminal in OS X

Because this is built into Terminal.app, the contextual menu exists when using a localhost terminal or when connected to remote servers, regardless of the host operating system. Because Mac OS X shares much of it’s underlying architecture with other flavors of UNIX, OS X will usually be able to find and launch relevant man pages even when connecting to another operating system.

Open a man page from the Terminal in OS X LionOpen a man page from the Terminal in OS X Lion

Remember that man pages can also be read on the go by saving them as a PDF and opening them with iBooks app on the iPad or iPhone.


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