An effective approach to make users aware of any performance issues related to a new update is to inform them about it beforehand. For Microsoft, this best practice has become a priority. The company recently informed users about a minor flaw they could experience after installing KB5000842 on Windows 10.

Windows Optional Update

Microsoft confirms High-pitched noise issue after installing KB5000842

Though Microsoft has yet not identified the cause of the error, its document page says, certain combinations of apps, audio devices, and Windows settings could lead to a high-pitched noise when using 5.1 audio after installing KB5000842 Optional Update from Windows Update (WU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

After installing KB5000842 or later updates, 5.1 Dolby Digital audio may play containing a high-pitched noise or squeak in certain apps when using certain audio devices and Windows Settings, mentions the Microsoft document.

To mitigate this issue, the documentation suggests users try streaming the video or audio in a web browser or different app, instead of the app affected by this issue.

Second, it recommends enabling Spatial sound settings by right-clicking or long-pressing on the volume icon in the notification area and choosing Spatial sound (Off). Then, select any of the available options provided there.

The issue persists on systems, running Windows 10, version 20H2; Windows 10, version 2004 and does not occur when stereo is used.

Currently, the status of the optional update KB5000842 on Windows 10 is shown as MITIGATED since it has not been resolved permanently. The research team is working on a resolution and hopes to provide an update in an upcoming release.

Optional updates are the updates that may not fix security issues but they could correct minor problems and complete tasks like updating system drivers or upgrading a Windows application.

For more information on this topic, you can visit this Microsoft document page.

Read: Computer Freezes and makes Buzzing or High Pitched Noise.

Windows Optional Update


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