Hide Apps from LaunchPad in Mac OS X LionHide Apps from LaunchPad in Mac OS X Lion

If you’ve spent much time using OS X Lion’s new LaunchPad feature you’ve probably noticed that outside of stuffing things into new folders you can’t really hide apps. If you enter the ‘jiggle‘ mode and try to remove an app from LaunchPad, it actually uninstalls the app, which makes it very easy to uninstall things but not so easy to customize your LaunchPad experience.

But now there’s LaunchControl, a free utility that allows you to hide any app from appearing in LaunchPad without uninstalling the app from Lion.

Download LaunchControl from developer ChaosSpace.de

LaunchControl is a tiny download and extremely easy to use, it displays a list of all the apps contained within your LaunchPad and you just uncheck the ones you don’t want to see anymore.

LaunchPad Control for LionLaunchPad Control for Lion

This is a great addition to any Mac running Mac OS X Lion, and it really helps to reduce the LaunchPad clutter that some software packages like Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office dump into the LaunchPad. I would bet that in time Apple will introduce a native feature to Lion that has a similar function because this is just too useful, but until that time comes, LaunchPad-Control is highly recommended.

Hat tip to MacStories for finding this great little app, they point out that it’s donationware so if you like the app then throw the developer a bone to encourage them to put out more useful tools.

Update: The developer has issued an update that turns LaunchControl into a System Preferences panel instead of an app.


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