I really enjoy videochatting with friends and family using iChat, so I was pretty frustrated when seemingly out of nowhere iChat video started freezing completely after a video chat session was initiated. I searched around a bit and noticed other people having the same problem and symptoms – iChat video freezes but iChat audio still works, so I know this isn’t a rare thing. While I don’t know the cause, I did manage to find a solution, and here it is:

How to fix iChat video freezing problem

1) Launch System Preferences and click on the QuickTime preferences pane. Under the “Streaming” tab, set streaming speed to “1 Mpbs Cable” and close the System Prefs

2) Now within iChat, open the Preferences and select the Audio/Video pane, set the Bandwidth Limit to “500 kbps” and close the preferences

3) Try starting an iChat Video Chat again – should work fine now!

This seems to work by forcing a slight reduction in the video quality based on available bandwidth, although I can’t tell a difference in quality myself. It’s worth mentioning that I’m on a fast broadband cable connection, so your mileage may vary with DSL or slower networks; you may try reducing the settings even more if you’re on a slow network and still having problems.


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