A mouse hover effect in Dock Stack of OS XA mouse hover effect in Dock Stack of OS X

A little known hidden trick allows for a nice cursor hover effect to follow your mouse as it goes over an application, folder, or item within an opened Dock stack of Mac OS X.

This makes navigating within Dock folder items a whole lot easier on the Mac and only takes a moment to turn on. To enable the secret option yourself with a defaults command, so here’s how to activate it.

Enable the Hovering Highlights for Dock Stacks in OS X

Launch the Terminal and enter the following command string exactly followed by the return key:

defaults write com.apple.dock mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes;killall Dock

The command will both enable the hidden stacks highlighter, plus it will restart the Dock immediately upon completion, it’s all in one as long as your syntax is on a single line and entered properly.

Now just open a Dock Stack and move your mouse cursor over an item to see the effect.

Turn Off Highlighting Cursor Hovers for Dock Stacks in Mac OS X

To disable the Stack hover highlight effects in OS X, use the following defaults string:

defaults write com.apple.dock mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean no;killall Dock

I find Stacks Grid view to be much more useful with this enabled, but try it yourself, and yes it works on the Recent Items stacks if they’re in Grid view too. Why this isn’t enabled by default is a little curious to me, maybe not everyone will like it though.


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