Want to bookmark a web page or website in Safari on iPhone or iPad? Bookmarks make revisiting websites and webpages super easy, and are an excellent way to keep track of things on the web.
It’s fairly easy to add and manage bookmarks in Safari, but if you had no clue how to use it, you’ve come to the right place. This article will demonstrate how you can bookmark a web page in Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
How to Bookmark a Web Page in Safari on iPhone & iPad
There’s more than one way to bookmark a web page in the default Safari browser and we’ll be discussing both of them right here. Let’s take a look at the necessary steps for bookmarking:
- Open “Safari” from the home screen of your iPhone or iPad and head over to the web page that you want to bookmark.
- Tap on the “Share” icon to bring up the Share Sheet on your screen.
- Here, tap “Add Bookmark” as shown in the screenshot below, in order to bookmark the current web page.
- Alternatively, you can press and hold the “bookmark” icon as shown below instead of using the Share Sheet.
- If you’re following this method, tap on “Add Bookmark”.
- From now on, regardless of what method you went with, the procedure remains the same. In the “Add Bookmark” menu, you’ll be able to give the bookmark a name and even choose the location where you want it to be saved. By default, it shows Favorites as the location, but that’s different from Bookmarks. So, tap on “Favorites”.
- Now, tap “Bookmarks” and hit “Save” for using that particular folder to store your bookmarked web page.
- If you want to access your bookmark at any time, simply tap on the “bookmarks” icon to head over to the Bookmarks, Reading List and History menu.
- Under the Bookmarks section, you’ll notice the newly added bookmarked web page.
That’s how you quickly bookmark web pages in Safari on your iPhone and iPad.
If you use multiple Apple devices, you can sync these Bookmarks across all your devices using iCloud service.
In a similar manner, you can also add website bookmarks to the Home Screen of iPhone or iPad for super quick access to your favorite sites (like osxdaily.com of course!).
Accessing certain links within a website becomes a whole lot easier with Bookmarks. For example, if you’re trying to track a shipment on FedEx, you could simply bookmark the webpage, so you don’t have to enter your tracking number every single time you visit their site for updates. Or perhaps you want to bookmark one of our articles here for easy reference down the road, or maybe just our site in general (of course you do!).
Bookmarking isn’t the only way to quickly access web pages on Safari. As soon as this web browser is opened, users are usually shown Favorites and Frequently Visited websites, neatly displayed as icons, so you can access these sites with just a single tap. Adding web pages to the Favorites section in Safari is fairly simple as well. On the other hand, Frequently Visited sites are automatically organized by Safari depending on your browsing history, but Frequently Visited Sites can be deleted in Safari on iPhone or iPad if you don’t want it to display certain websites.
Many internet users browse through tens or even hundreds of web pages on a daily basis, and keeping a track of them is tedious if you don’t use the bookmarks feature that every web browser comes with. That being said, adding new bookmarks varies slightly with each browser. If you’re an iPhone or iPad user, chances are, you surf the web using Safari that comes out of the box with iOS and iPadOS, and so the article here will be most relevant to you. Of course you can still bookmark webpages in other browsers too though, like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Epic, Brave, and the myriad other web browsers out there, but the process is a bit different for each.
Did you add several bookmarks to Safari for accessing your frequently visited web pages? What do you think of this basic feature that’s a norm on almost every web browser out there? Are Bookmarks really something you use on a daily basis? Make sure you let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section down below.
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