While Work from Home is more of an obligation than making a choice, but if you have to believe one of the most successful CEO of Tech Industry, Satya Nadelalla says—Permanent Work from Home can be damaging or mental health of employees. Things have changed drastically, and while many are thinking that this can become new normal for the future, Microsoft CEO looks on the other side.

Satya Nadella: Permanent work from home can be damaging

Permanent work from home can be damaging

According to Satya, the remote setup is like “Replacing one dogma with another dogma.” What people will soon start missing is meeting each other not just because you cannot do it remotely, but then it’s all about human communication and connection. We can connect with another person better, brainstorm better when we are present before each other.

He added,

What does burnout look like? What does mental health look like? What does that connectivity and the community building look like? One of the things I feel is, hey, maybe we are burning some of the social capital we built up in this phase where we are all working remote. What’s the measure for that?

What he is saying is accurate. While many things in today’s world could be avoided, but there is nothing like working in an office. Unless we meet, it’s difficult to brainstorm and deliver the same experience, but then these are desperate times. It also makes me think is it because we are wired this way from decades.

What if we start working this way for a long time, and our brain starts reacting the same way on video calls as we do when in physical meetings.

While I don’t rule out the whole connecting part when you are physically present before each other, but will the new standard be different? Or we are just waiting for a cure to arrive, and we will be back to normal!

Satya Nadella: Permanent work from home can be damaging


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