Screen captures also termed as screenshots or snapshots are very useful to explain something.  There are numerous screen-capturing tools available over the web but today we will learn about the Kalmuri Screen Capture tool which not only lets you take the screenshots with a single tap but also has a feature of screen recording. While we can easily take a screenshot with the PrtSc button on our PCs/Laptops, using such third-party tools certainly bring in some extra features.

Kalmuri Screen Capture Tool

Kalmuri is a very simple freeware that helps you with the screen capturing and screen recording. The tool comes in a small portable file and the interface is also pretty user-friendly.

Just download the zip, file, extract and its ready to use. All it has is a tiny window and you can just put it in your system tray if you often need to use it. Select the preferred option and press the hotkey, your screenshot is automatically saved in the desired folder.

Kalmuri Screen Capture Tool

PrtSc button on your keyboard is the default hotkey for Kalmuri but you can change as per your own preference.  With Kalmuri, you can capture the entire screen,  a specific region, the currently active window, windows control, and web browser.

You can:

  • Capture entire screen– takes the screenshot of the entire screen open
  • Capture Region– you can take the screenshot of any specific region from the screen. The tool makes a default 480×360 window when you select ‘capture region’ and you can then resize as per your requirement.
  • Capture active window– The tool captures the window in front of all other open windows if you select this option.
  • Capture Windows Control– A dotted box shows the selected area to capture if you select this option.
  • Capture Web Browser– This opens a new tab in Internet Explorer.
  • There is also an option of Color Picker.

Just select the option and press the hotkey and the screenshot will be saved in your Kalmuri folder. The tool makes a shutter sound while taking the snapshots. It saves the snapshots in the regular formats like PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP image formats, additionally you can also copy it on the clipboard, upload it directly on Imgbox or send it to the connected printer.

Record Screen using Kalmuri

Select MP4 as your option and press the hotkey to start recording your screen. The MP4 file will also be saved in the same folder.

Initially, the screen recording wasn’t working for me and I was getting the error “Error FFMPeg.exe not found”. FFmpeg is an open-source multimedia project made for handling audio, video, and other multimedia streams. So I downloaded and installed FFMPeg from their official website and then I could record my screen using Kalmuri.

To adjust the settings of Kalmuri, just take your cursor on the main window and right-click. From here you can change the folder you want to save your screenshots in, change the Hotkey from PrtSc to any other key, change the language, filename, etc.

Kalmuri Screen Capture Tool

From the Recorder setting, you can adjust if you want to record your screen with or without sound and can also adjust the further Sound Settings. If you want to show the cursor in your screenshots, check the Mouse Cursor option from the dropdown.

You can download this tool here. I am sure that you will enjoy using this simple easy-to-use screen capture and recorder software.

Kalmuri Screen Capture Tool


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