Microsoft is rolling out new changes to Mixer, the company’s video game live streaming platform. Microsoft says they’ve been working on these changes for the past couple of months. The company on Tuesday finally started rolling out these changes, improvements, and features to Mixer. Let’s take a look.

Microsoft Mixer Homepage

Mixer gets a whole new homepage

Microsoft has brought a major design overhaul to the Mixer homepage across all platforms. Meanwhile, the question arises: What was the reason for Microsoft to roll out a new Mixer homepage, you ask?

Well, the reason behind Microsoft bringing design overhaul to Mixer’s homepage is rather pretty straightforward. The company’s decision is influenced by its determination to focus more on featured content, in addition to AI-based recommendations.

Undoubtedly, the new Mixer homepage now looks more intuitive and content-driven than ever before!

First and foremost, the most apparent change Mixer users will notice on the homepage is the introduction of a new layout. This new layout displays all featured creators simultaneously.

“Over the past couple of months, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes on a set of new features and capabilities based on feedback we’ve heard from you.

“These are focused on improving discoverability, empowering communities of all sizes and making it easier to find your new favorite Mixer creators”

The redesigned Mixer homepage includes brand new content rows right below the “Featured,” “Top Category,” and “Partner Spotlight” sections. The Mixer team will make use of these new rows on its homepage to highlight and recommend streams.

Microsoft says that eventually, Mixer will dedicate some of these newly added rows on the homepage to community events and AI-powered tailored content, among others.

Mixer is also introducing Auto-Hosting in collaboration with its partners. It will allow users to create a list of specific streamers they want to automatically host when they are offline.

In case you don’t know, the hosting feature in Mixer allows users to feature or showcase a video from another channel when they are offline, unlike streaming. New customizability in Mixer allows users to Auto-Host list for specific time durations.

Other noteworthy additions to Mixer include high-quality emotes, improvements to viewing experience on Xbox, new badging to the homepage, notifications UX improvements, etc.

Microsoft Mixer Homepage
