Feedback from Community and Insiders has been shaping Microsoft products for a long time. A lot of features that came into Windows OS was part of the feedback from the insiders. The same happens with Microsoft Edge, and based on Top Feedback Summary, MissyQ@Microsoft has shared a full updated list or roadmap for Top Feedback and Upcoming features for Edge in the near future.

Microsoft shares roadmap for Upcoming Features for Edge

The roadmap includes the status for each feedback, which Microsoft thinks should make its way into the final version, along with planned release timeframe for features.  While you can check the full list, here are some, and few of them are part of the Old Edge.

  • Option to set a custom photo as the New Tab Page background photo—Planned for February
  • Enable sync of installed browser extensions (Planned for February), browsing history, between devices—Planned for Summer
  • Option to Keep specific cookies when choosing to clear browsing data—Planned
  • Share button for the toolbar—Planned
  • Prevent auto-play of video and audio when you open a website1Planned
  • Tab preview feature —In Discussion
  • Allow sign-in to the browser with a Google account—Not Planned

Some of them are planned, some are not expected, but under discussion, and some are under review.

Quality Areas on which Microsoft is actively working:

  • Bring more extensions
  • Consumer less memory, CPU, and improve speed to open a new tab
  • Improve scrolling feature for web pages and PDF

Here is what each of the statuses means for each feature

  • Addressed – Changes to address this feedback are visible to all users in the Canary and Dev channels
  • Not Planned – No current plan to address this feedback, though we will continue to track it and reconsider our approach if needed
  • Planned for – The Edge Team is working on this and currently plan for it to be addressed in the Canary channel before the end of the month indicated
  • Planned – Microsoft has reviewed this feedback and have a plan to address it. However, we aren’t ready to share a target time frame just yet.
  • In Discussion – Need to learn more we have started a discussion about it here in the Microsoft Edge Insider Forum
  • Under Review – The team is reviewing this feedback internally and does not have a plan to share at this time.
  • Quality Area – It will get the extra weight to fixes and opportunities in this area. Please continue to report specific bugs and make particular asks.

Remember, Microsoft keeps updating its roadmap on the same page now and then. Its a feedback on the feedback which was top voted by the insiders, and what Microsoft thinks is possible.
