For those who edit documents quite a lot especially if you’re working with information from the web, then you know it is a pain when one has to be jumping from web browser to document every single time.
The whole thing is a pain and can make for limited motivation. Worry not though, there’s a cool program for such an issue, and it is called SSuite Scaramouche Touch. What makes it great is the fact that it opens in your web browser, so switching between information and text editor isn’t much of a pain any longer.
Browser-based document editor
Because of its small size, it takes just less than a minute to download this thing and to begin using it. To get it up and running, just launch the file and a new tab in your web browser will open, and from there, just edit away to your heart’s content. The user interface is easy to understand and comes packed with most features expected from a text editor.
It also has several features not found in basic text editors, so that’s a plus right there. Hey, don’t expect it to replace your Microsoft Office install because it is not that powerful, and was not designed to do such a thing. SSuite Scaramouche Touch is all about making life easier for editors on the web.
If you’ve been using an editor such as Windows Notepad, SSuite Scaramouche Touch should be a breath of fresh air because it is easier to use from our point of view.
We should point out that this will only work with HTML5 compatible web browsers. By now, all major web browsers should support HTML5, so one shouldn’t have much issues having this little program play well with their browser of choice.
When it comes down to the user interface, it is very easy to understand. There’s nothing in terms of settings here, nothing to play around with other than the regular formatting features. This means, users have nothing new to learn, just jump in and type away.
Overall, there’s nothing much left to say about SSuite Scaramouche Touch. It is a great lightweight text editor that should be used by anyone. The only downside is the fact that it does not have an autosave feature. For folks who are looking for that, use Word Online because it is more than good enough, but not as lightweight as SSuite Scaramouche Touch.
SSuite Scaramouche Touch download
Download SSuite Scaramouche Touch from the official website right here.