If you have still not upgraded to Windows 10 and you use Assistive Technologies, then better hurry up! For users of assistive technologies, your time to get free Windows 10 ends up on 31st of December 2017. If not, then be ready to pay $120 to upgrade to Windows 10! Although Microsoft technically ended the free version of Windows 10 upgrade program back in July 2016, it offered to provide a free upgrade for those using accessibility features like Braille screens, screen readers, and other assistive aids.

Free Windows 10 Upgrade

The free scheme would allow the users of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to simply enable the accessibility features and they would be eligible to upgrade their Windows for free! The company might have laid this scheme at that time as they were still working on accessibility options for Windows 10 with a specific call-out to changes that were to be announced as a part of the July 2016 Anniversary update. Post that, there have been two feature updates and this Anniversary update was the oldest one that supported Windows 10 version in the market.

Microsoft has not specified a deadline for this offer at that time. But now silently the company declared 31-12-2017 as last day to upgrade to free Windows 10 for assistive technology users as well.

How does the end of Free Windows 10 Upgrade offer impact new users

Practically speaking, the impact of this change would be almost negligible as it is doubtful if there are many left who have not upgraded to Windows 10.

Many companies who would be willing to upgrade to Windows 10 might have already done it and won’t be waiting for the paid version. Whereas, small businesses and individuals still hanging to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, and haven’t upgraded since the last two years won’t be really excited to upgrade.

From Microsoft’s point of view, it seems that finally, the company is looking to make some money from Windows 10. Previous versions of Windows were always a paid upgrade, which seldom saw preference by existing users.

Although Microsoft seems to be failing in touching the 1 billion devices installations for Windows 10 with market hinting that the OS  isn’t popular as Microsoft would have liked, there could be still many users looking for an upgrade just for a modern and secured user experience.

Free Windows 10 Upgrade


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