The biggest Windows 10 update for this year is almost here with Creators Update set to roll out starting April 11. However, Creators update is just not about new features, as Microsoft is set to introduce new privacy enhancements and become little more open with users on what data it collects from them.

Making the announcement, Terry Myerson, the EVP of the Windows and Devices Group, said,

As part of our commitment to transparency and your privacy, today we’re bringing those enhancements front and center, and sharing three new things that will help you be more informed about your privacy with Windows 10.

So what does the new privacy enhancements mean for the users

Ease in configuring Privacy settings

The new privacy enhancement arriving with the Creators Update will make it easier for Windows 10 users to configure their privacy settings. As soon as you start the upgrade process on your Windows 10 PC, the privacy settings screen will appear. Each setting will carry a detailed description of itself, allowing you to select what best works for you. You can change the settings even after installing the update.

privacy enhancements

For users who are setting up a new Windows 10 device for the first time or running a clean install of Windows 10, the new privacy enhancements will show up Microsoft’s recommended settings. Users again will have an option to configure their privacy settings themselves.

The screen below also effectively replaces “Get going fast” and “Customize settings” screens that were available in the set-up experiences for previous releases of Windows 10.

privacy enhancements

Privacy enhancements for Windows Mobile users

For Windows 10 Mobile users, a new privacy set up experience will be displayed once they update. The only difference in mobile is the “Tailored experiences with diagnostic data” setting is automatically turned off for all customers and is not presented as an option on the privacy screen due to limitations of the mobile platform, said Marisa, the WDG Privacy Officer.

privacy enhancements

Talking about the data collection, Microsoft says that they will be publishing more information about the data they collect. Microsoft explains that now the data collected, will only be at the basic level which is necessary to ensure that Windows 10 installation remains secure and up to date.

Apparently, the Basic level of diagnostic reporting brings the volume of data collected to half as compared to the Full level, claims Microsoft.

To read more on the privacy enhancements, refer Windows blog here.

privacy enhancements


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