Microsoft embarked on a new journey with its Windows 10 and Continuum feature was one of the quintessential aspects of the new Windows version that promised a unified experience on Universal Windows Apps by connecting the Continuum compatible phone to the desktop. This is aimed at bringing the Microsoft ecosystem closer and thus allowing the Windows 10 users to seamlessly work across different devices. The only downside seems to be the fact that Continuum is still not prepared to run x86 apps.


However, Microsoft seems to be working on eliminating this exception since Continuum is going to play a big role for Microsoft and its partners. Also, not all apps are developed for the UWP platforms and some apps need to be run in the x86 mode.

Walking Cat, a Twitter user who has been bringing us glimpses of Microsoft’s upcoming technologies has found a reference to “Windows hybrid x86-on-ARM64 tech” and this technology is apparently called by the name CHPE.

It looks like Windows’s hybrid x86-on-ARM64 tech has a new name “CHPE”, whatever it means 🙂 maybe something like Compound Hybrid PE, tweeted WalkingCat.

Further deducing the CHPE abbreviation it seems that the HP refers to Hewlett-Packard while the C might stand out for Cobalt which was also the codename for x86 emulation based on ARM.

Also, the very fact that HP has been working closely with Windows for Continuum (Remember Elite X3?) further strengthens the possibility that the project is somehow closely related to HP.

In all likelihood, the new technology may cater to a slew of devices including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. If we try connecting the dots it appears that Microsoft is preparing for its upcoming Surface phone which is expected to be launched the next year.

All said and done the Continuum needs to be implemented across a wide range of devices for it to succeed and the upcoming Surface Phone might turn the tables for Microsoft just like how the Pixel Phone is doing for Google.


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