It is a daily struggle to wake up early morning. Whenever the alarm rings, we wake up, hit the snooze and roll over again in bed but that is a temporary relief with the new Mimicker Alarm app designed specifically for Android. It is also the latest release of the Microsoft Garage – A place where Microsoft employees are encouraged to create apps in their spare time.

Mimicker Alarm App for Android

Mimicker Alarm App for Android

Mimicker Alarm app is no ordinary alarm as it is designed to showcase Microsoft’s machine-learning abilities. Instead of simply waking its users up, the app requires them to play a game first to turn the alarm off. Users also have to mimic the action given within 30 seconds or the alarm starts ringing again. This makes your life in morning more painful, isn’t it? What’s worse, if you don’t complete the game within 30 seconds, the ingenious app assumes that you’ve fallen asleep again and the alarm starts ringing again.

Allison Light of Microsoft says:

“We’re a lot nicer than other alarms, a program manager on a team that develops apps for Project Oxford. You start with dismiss or snooze. If you snooze, the default is five minutes to delay the game. If you dismiss, we mute the alarm – but then you have 30 seconds to complete this challenge. And if you don’t complete that game in time, we assume you’ve fallen back asleep and then the alarm will start ringing again. You only need to complete one game to shut off the alarm. You can choose the sounds and which games you want to play. Once you dismiss an alarm you have 30 seconds to complete the game. If you don’t complete that game in time, we assume you’ve fallen back asleep and then the alarm will start ringing again”.

This is not the first time Microsoft has designed an app for Android. In the past too, we have seen Microsoft contributing quite a lot to Google’s renowned mobile operating system.


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