Microsoft has been striving hard to push Windows 10 as the comprehensive solution for computing needs, the results till now has also been overwhelming. One of the essential feature of the Windows 10 has been Cortana, and Microsoft is adding on new features to make it smarter, they have already worked with third party apps including Office 365 and LinkedIn to bring in an enriched Cortana experience. This time around the Redmond company has announced integration of Cortana with the Power BI apps thus allowing users to get answer to their business needs by just asking out aloud.


Cortana – Power BI integration

Cortana will leverage Power BI’s data visualization capabilities and provide you with answers that range from simple numerical values (“revenue for the last quarter”), charts (“number of opportunities by team”), maps (“average customer spending in California by City”) and even pull full-fledged reports from the Power BI.

In order to get this, feature you need to be running at least Windows 10 1511 and add the work account to Windows 10 by accessing the account settings.

The integration with Power BI is definitely a big thing as users could just speak out and get the answers saving a ton of time used to apply filters, in large corporation the save in time counts a lot and helps boost productivity. Power BIs Quick Insights feature lets you run a series of analytical algorithms on the data in question and let you search for the potential insights.

Microsoft seems to be keen on giving Cortana the power it deserves and the best way to do so seems to be by intuitively integrating the apps and services.



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