Folks using Google Plus are offered a way to connect with friends and family, explore their interests and do lot more. The site has evolved into a pretty good social network with changes always underway to make it more acceptable. As such, there’s a new feature coming sometime in the future, called Collections.


Google Plus Collections

As per limited information available to us, Google Plus Collections feature would allow users to create “collections” of their interests , whether it’s photos, videos, or even events, somewhat similar to Pinterest. Google suggests to early users of Collections that these collections will basically be themed channels of content that could focus on anything.

The new feature would be accessible via your Google+ circles. A shortcut to it will also likely live in the Google+ drop-down menu, where users currently would find links to their Photos, Communities, Events, Stream, etc.
Google Plus users will get an opportunity to curate pieces of content into their collection, with others holding the permission of viewing, sharing, and following those collections as they please.

As of now, there are no details on a public roll-out for Collections or what it is likely to include. Details pertaining to this feature are thin on the ground however, screenshot provided by DroidLife supports its claims well. May be Google will shed some light on the topic sometime before Google’s annual developers conference.

One thing is clear – No matter Google plus is trailing behind the social networking giant – Facebook now but it is unlikely to abandon Google+ completely.


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