The Xbox One video game lineup for 2015 looks beautiful, but now it is less so after Microsoft announced that the hotly anticipated title, Quantum Break, has been delayed into 2016.

Quantum Break for Xbox One delayed

Quantum Break for Xbox One

This came as an enormous shock to fans who have been waiting for the chance to play the game ever since it was shown off at E3 2013. It was revealed last year that Remedy, the developers of the title, was aiming for a Q4 2015 release date, but now that is no longer the case.

What is the reason for the delay?

Well, it has nothing to do with the game having problems from what we’ve come to understand. Apparently, Microsoft chose to push the release date to 2016 due to the amount of games scheduled to be released in 2015, and the company had no plans to allow Quantum Break to compete in such a tight spot.

Since the game is an original title, moving it from the crowded 2015 lineup to 2016 could be a great idea to allow the title to gain room to breathe.

“We’ve got the strongest games lineup in Xbox history right now, with 2015 blockbuster exclusives like ‘Halo 5: Guardians,’ ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider,’ ‘Fable Legends,’ and ‘Forza Motorsport 6,’ and more we’ll announce in the coming months,” according to Shannon Loftis, Head of Publishing. “With so many games launching this year, moving ‘Quantum Break’ to 2016 extends our incredible portfolio into next year with a monster new IP.”

In order for Quantum Break to kick things into gear next year, Microsoft would have to launch it before the release of some of the delayed 2016 games by Sony and Nintendo. Both companies have some hard-hitting titles coming in the year, and they are more than capable of causing significant stress for Microsoft if the software giant is not careful.


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