Microsoft has some really bad news for spammers. The just released feature of Office 365 works against spammers and blocks the messages coming from any bad IP.


The term “Bad IP address” refers IP addressed used to conduct the malicious activities.

The software giant Microsoft has always been bringing some or the other features to help its users, and this time it is the IP Throttling feature that has been added to Office 365. Although, spam filtering is already enabled on all inbound and outbound email messages by Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP), IP throttling makes it even more spam free and protected.

This new feature will check the IP reputation, the sending history before allowing any message in your inbox. Any IP without a previous sending history or without a reputation will not be able to send a message.

Because of this newly added IP throttling, spammers will now be unable to send a message from a brand new IP without any reputation. While this feature will help the consumers by reducing spamming considerably but may also affect the genuine senders who often use new IPs to send their emails. Meanwhile, the company promises to check and fix this issue as soon as possible.

Do check more about IP throttling from the official blog post and leave your feedback.


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