Bing Maps is now all set to compete with Google Maps as it now has Street-side view, aerial imageries and 3D imagery for over 100 cities. A new and large update of Bing Maps was announced yesterday, where the search engine has added hundreds of Street-side imageries, high resolution aerial images and 3D city images.
The Streetside imagery will help you to drive up to your destination. It includes the street-side images of over 100 cities and the count will keep growing, as promised by the Bing Team. The high resolution aerial images shows over 150 countries on every continent in the world covering a total of five million square kilometers. These high resolution images are taken from from aircraft-mounted UltraCam Osprey cameras and satellites.
Using a variety of sources from aircraft-mounted UltraCam Osprey cameras to satellite imagery from our partner Digital Globe, Bing Maps brings you high-resolution views of your favorite vacation spots. Our count today is over 125 highly detailed 3D cities viewable through the Bing Maps Preview app available exclusively on Windows 8.1, said Bing.
So if you are bored of looking at the plain satellite pictures on Bing Maps, enjoy this new update from Microsoft and take a 3D flight to your favorite places like Las Vegas, Chicago, Graceland in Memphis, Disney World, in Orlando and much more.
As mentioned in their post, over 125 highly detailed 3D cities are now viewable through the Bing Maps Preview app which is available exclusively on Windows 8.1. See the full list at the Bing Maps blog post.
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