My house is incredibly neat and organized, but when it comes to my digital life, the word “hoarder” comes to mind. If that sounds like you, a network attached storage device—or NAS for short—is the perfect investment to make your files wirelessly available on any device in your home.

Unfortunately, these devices can get expensive. Instead of skipping out on improved file storage, one way to save money is to build one yourself for cheap! This might sound complicated, but it’s easy to do if you have an inexpensive Raspberry Pi board at the core. Here’s how to build your own NAS device.

What is Network Attached Storage?

Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 (AS6702T) NAS

Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 (AS6702T) (Credit: Asustor)

Network attached storage is a standalone storage drive that any device on the network can use to share files. This always-on device acts as a miniature server throughout your house, allowing you to store movies, back up photos, or save PC backups. Your main computer can also do all this, but a NAS is low-power and is designed to run day and night. Once you start using one, it’s hard to go back.

There are plenty of ready-built NAS devices out there, from companies such as Synology, QNAP, and Asustor. Just buy one, pop in a disk drive, and you’re off to the races. But they can get expensive, since you have to buy the drives separately. If you aren’t sure whether a NAS is for you, it’s hard to justify the investment—especially if you want something that can grow with your storage needs.

What is Raspberry Pi?

raspberry pi 5

(Credit: Michael Justin Allen Sexton)

An inexpensive alternative is to use a Raspberry Pi board in place of a NAS device. These low-cost, Linux-based computer boards can be used for various purposes. We have used it to build a retro gaming console, a VPN server, and voice assistant, among other projects. Its price and versatility mean that it can act as a cheap trial NAS that—once you grow out of it—can be repurposed for something else.

It isn’t as rock-solid as, say, a Synology NAS unit, and RAID doesn’t work particularly well on the Pi if you want data redundancy. So if you do use as Raspberry Pi for data storage, you want to make sure that any important information on your Pi-based NAS is also backed up elsewhere. However, it’s a great project if you want to see what NAS life is all about. Then, once hooked, you can upgrade to a purpose-made Synology or QNAP model that fits your long-term needs.

What You Need to Buy

raspberry pi 5 ports

(Credit: Michael Justin Allen Sexton)

Before You can get started, there are a few things you will need to build your own NAS device. Note that the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s last major board release was the Raspberry Pi 5 in 2023. Here’s what you need:

  • A Raspberry Pi (with all the trimmings): Aside from a Raspberry Pi board, you also need a power supply and microSD card, along with a mouse, keyboard, and monitor for the initial setup. These approved retailers sell the board on its own or as part of a start kit with everything you need to get started. You can also find these kits on Amazon. For more information about the accessories you need for this project, check out our guide to getting started with the Raspberry Pi.

  • Storage Drives: Unless you are sharing just a few files, your microSD card probably isn’t enough storage for a NAS. Instead, a standard external drive will do the trick in most cases. However, since the Pi may not be able to supply enough power to all your drives, you may need one that plugs into the wall or a powered USB hub. If you want a cleaner setup, you can use an internal drive designed for network attached storage, but that would require a big enough case.

  • A NAS-Friendly Case (optional): If you want your system to have a clean look, it may behoove you to get an enclosure that fits your Pi and connected drives. This will also help to organize the mess of wires and cables this project will create. For example, Geekworm makes a board called the X825 that allows you to dock a 2.5-inch internal drive, connect it to your Pi, and mount it all in a trim little case (just make sure you get one that fits your Pi). For now, I’m just using a standard Raspberry Pi case with a USB external drive Velcroed to the top, but if you want to get creative, the world is your oyster here.

Once you have all your components in hand, it’s time to get your NAS up and running.

1. Install an Operating System

raspbian desktop

(Credit: Whitson Gordon)

There are special operating systems like Openmediavault that turn your Pi into a NAS, but for a beginner setup, I actually recommend regular old Raspbian—it’s flexible, easy to use, and good enough for sharing a few files over the network. Start by installing Raspbian with the recommended software as described in our beginner’s guide.

I recommend hooking up your Pi to your network via Ethernet for fast file transfer, but Wi-Fi will do in a pinch. Once you have booted up Raspbian for the first time, designated a new password, and downloaded all your updates, connect your drive to one of the Pi’s USB ports. The drive will show up on the desktop, but we will be doing most of our work in the Terminal. (If you prefer, you can SSH into your Pi and perform these commands from another PC.)

2. Unmount Your Drive

unmount drive

(Credit: Whitson Gordon)

Before continuing, we’ll need to erase the drive you attached, so if you have important files on it, you need to store them somewhere else before transferring them to your Pi-NAS. From a Terminal window, run the following command to see the disks connected to your Pi:

sudo fdisk -l

Find the external drive you want to use for your files—in my case, it’s an 80GB drive called “MyExternalDrive”—and note its path. In the screenshot above, the 80GB drive plugged into my Pi corresponds to /dev/sda. (Make absolutely sure you note the correct drive, as we’re about to erase it!)

First, you need to unmount the drive. If you’re using the Raspbian interface, you can just click the eject button next to the drive to unmount it. But if you are using a terminal over SSH, you have to run:

umount /dev/sda1

If your drive has multiple partitions, you will have to erase each one separately by using sequential numbers. Run the previous command, but with sda2 and sda3, and so on. Then, to erase and format your drive for Linux usage, run:

sudo parted /dev/sda

3. Partition Your Drive

raspberry pi partition

(Credit: Whitson Gordon)

When you run that code, it will open up a wizard called Parted, which will allow you to create a new partition on the drive. Run the following commands and press Enter after each answer in the wizard:

mklabel gpt

If prompted to erase the drive, type Y and press Enter. Then run:


Replace MyExternalDrive with the name you want to use for the drive:


Continue by entering the following:




Then run the following command to exit the Parted wizard:


Obviously, you can adjust these commands to fit the name of your drive, the number and size of partitions you want to make on it, and so on—but for most basic users just starting out, these commands should work well.

4. Format the Partition

raspberry pi partition

(Credit: Whitson Gordon)

Next, we need to format that partition. If your drive is located at /dev/sda, the new partition will be located at /dev/sda1 (if the drive is /dev/sdb, you will use /dev/sdb1, and so on). Run this code:

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1

Press Y and Enter when asked if you want to proceed. Then run and replace MyExternalDrive with whatever you want to name your drive:

sudo e2label /dev/sda1 MyExternalDrive

Formatting will take a few minutes, especially if you have a large drive, so be patient. When it’s finished, run this command to reboot your Pi:

sudo shutdown -r now

When your Pi boots back up, you should find that the external drive appears automatically on the desktop, ready for action. You will, however, have to run one final command to give yourself permission to write new files to the drive. In a Terminal, run:

sudo chown -R pi /media/pi/MyExternalDrive

5. Share the Drive

share drive

(Credit: Whitson Gordon)

Now it’s time to share that drive on your network, so you can add your files and access them from any device in the house. To do this, we need a tool called Samba, which is an open-source implementation of Windows’ SMB/CIFS file-sharing protocol.

It’s not your only option for sharing files, but Samba is easy to set up and compatible with just about any system you might have on the network, so it’s what I recommend. Raspbian doesn’t come with Samba installed by default, so you need to make sure your repositories are up to date and install it with the following commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install samba samba-common

The installer will ask if you want to modify smb.conf to use WINS settings from DHCP. Choose Yes and press Enter. Now you edit that configuration file yourself, to share your drive. Run:

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

samba config

(Credit: Whitson Gordon)

Then, from the command-line text editor that appears, use your arrow key to scroll to the bottom of the document. You want to add a block of text that looks something like this:


path = /media/pi/MyExternalDrive/

writeable = yes

create mask = 0775

directory mask = 0775


In your version of this, MyMedia would be the name of your share (name it whatever you want) and /media/pi/MyExternalDrive would be the mounted location of your drive. (You may need to open up the file manager and head to /media/pi/ to figure out what it’s called.)

When finished, press Ctrl-X to exit nano, pressing Y and Enter when asked if you want to save the file.

6. Create a Password and Add Users

add users

(Credit: Whitson Gordon)

Finally, you will need to create a password for Samba so you can see your share from other machines. (There are ways to configure Samba without requiring a password, but this generally isn’t good security practice, so I recommend adding a password.) To add a password to the existing Pi user, run:

sudo smbpasswd -a pi

Enter your desired password when prompted—it doesn’t have to be the same as your user password on the Pi itself, but it can be—and press Enter. You can then add other users with the following code (where jeff is the user you want to add):

sudo adduser jeff

You can also choose to give that user their own password by next running:

sudo smbpasswd -a jeff

This isn’t strictly necessary, but it can be useful if you have multiple people in your household to whom you want to give different read and write permissions on certain shares. Once all users are added, run the following command to restart Samba:

sudo systemctl restart smbd

From here, the setup process is finished. You can now access your media from the network.

7. Access Your Media

On your Windows PC, open File Explorer and type \raspberrypiMyMedia into the address bar (replacing MyMedia with whatever your share is called) and press Enter. You should then be able to enter your Samba username (pi) and password to see your shared drive. If you run into trouble, you might have to use the Pi’s IP address, like \ instead. If you want to connect to your media from a Mac, open Finder and click Go > Connect to Server, then type in smb://raspberrypi when prompted.

This just scratches the surface of what you can do with a Pi-based NAS. As your storage needs evolve, you can add more drives and shares, create more users with different permissions, and even set up a RAID array to avoid data loss in the event of a hard drive failure. Though by that point, it might be worth spending a little more on a dedicated NAS device for better performance.

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