You’ll get plenty of good, sound career advice during your lifetime. Much of it will be valuable, but some of it will come at the wrong time or be the opposite of what you need to hear in that moment. Depending on your situation, immediate needs, and long-term desires, good career advice can turn out to be wrong for you.

Curious to hear other people’s experiences, I asked around and collected ten pieces of career advice that don’t always hold up. 

1. Go Where the Money Is

Take the highest paying offer. Go where the money is. This advice is well meaning but can be short-sighted.

There are high-paying jobs, and then there are jobs that come with lower base pay but such generous compensation packages that lead to more guaranteed money in the long term, and sometimes a happier lifestyle. The classic example: Any job with a pension. If you collect a full pension for 20 or 30 years after retirement and have additional retirement savings, you might end up making more money in the long run than taking a job with more immediate payoff.

Another example: Positions that qualify for a Student Loan Forgiveness program, which can knock off tens of thousands of dollars from your debt after you meet the requirements. For example, Public Service Loan Forgiveness and Teacher Loan Forgiveness benefit employees of non-profit organizations, government, and qualifying educational institutions. These jobs sometimes also come with incredible job security, so you don’t have to worry about being laid off. 

If someone tells you to “Go where the money is,” just make sure you include the value of a pension, student loan forgiveness, job security, and other factors beyond the immediate salary when weighing your options.

2. Never Manage Up

Sure, there may still be jobs out there where you should do what you’re told, no more and no less, without meddling in how your boss works with you. But as @thekarachikid pointed out, managing up is often a necessary part of any job.

3. Never Quit a Job After Less Than a Year

Many people give the advice to stick out a bad job for at least a year before moving on, especially if it’s a job in your intended career path. You don’t want such a short stint on your resume, they say. Staying less than a year is a sign you’re a quitter.

If a job isn’t a good fit and you know it, or if you’re extremely unhappy, why force yourself to stay an arbitrary amount of time? For many people, better advice is to start looking and interviewing for other jobs as soon as you know the current job isn’t the right fit. Additionally, not every work experience you’ve ever had has to go on your resume, so don’t worry about one bad but short-lived experience burning you.

If you have a track record of quitting multiple jobs before the one-year mark, you may need to work on selecting the right job in the first place.

4. Never Eat Alone (or Always Be Schmoozing)

@maxleibman heard the advice “never eat alone at work” and threw it out the window. For some people, yes, socializing with colleagues during breaks is a great way to develop relationships. For others, it is a drain that could leave you ineffective as a worker. Know your personal preferences and priorities, and you’ll never be led astray by this seemingly helpful advice.

5. Always Ask for More Money When You Get a Job Offer

It never hurts to ask for more money when you get a job offer. Your starting salary greatly influences how much you earn overall and how much you will earn later. When pay increases are based on a percentage, every dollar you were able to increase your initial offer pays off again and again.

That advice falls flat from time to time, however. Not every organization has more money to give and sometimes the hiring team will be up-front about that fact. More importantly, some organizations and sectors use transparent salary calculations for each position, and they don’t deviate from them. In other words, the offer may be what it is with no wiggle room. If you ask for more money after being told there’s no room for negotiation, it might demonstrate that you don’t understand the organization and how it works. That doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate other kinds of compensation, such as a later start date that gives you additional time off or the rate at which you accrue paid time off. You can negotiate so much more than salary.

6. Avoid Being a Generalist

When you’re early in your career, should you try to learn a little bit of everything or become a subject matter expert (SME) in only one area? As @LKnerl points out, there’s really nothing wrong with being a generalist if it motivates you and helps you keep your curiosity alive.

7. Don’t Work With or Do Business With Friends

@lynnjohnstonlit likes her friends, likes her colleagues, and doesn’t mind when the Venn diagram of the two overlaps.

8. Give Two Weeks’ Notice Before Leaving a Job

Giving two weeks’ notice is a courtesy, not a law, and it’s certainly not the right advice for everyone. Some people should give a lot more than two weeks’ notice and some much less.

In high-level positions, people often withhold announcement of their departure from anyone beyond the need-to-know circle until their replacement has been found, which could be months. Even if you aren’t a C-suite member, there could be reasons for giving three or four weeks’ notice of your departure to help out your team. You don’t owe anyone that, but there are times when it is an appreciated gesture.

Conversely, if you’re leaving a job due to a toxic work environment or other difficult issues, you absolutely can make your resignation “effective immediately.” Giving two weeks’ notice is a way to prevent burning bridges, and that can be useful if, for example, you need someone from the job you’re leaving to be a reference for you in the future. But if the bridge has already burned, leaving immediately may be your best option.

9. Never Write for Free

Here’s one for writers and creatives: Never write for free…

…unless you’re just starting out and don’t have any clips, writing samples, or history of completing projects. In that case, you may need to write for free to help you get started. As @JLNwrites put it:

Don’t write for free for very long if you can help it! But “never?” Nah.

10. Resumes or CVs Should Never Be Longer Than One Page

The advice that “resumes should never be longer than one page” is helpful if you’re cramming your resume with every responsibility you’ve ever had, but it’s downright unhelpful in many sectors. Academics threw away this advice ages ago, as did medical professionals or anyone else who needs to list important certifications or training they’ve had alongside all the relevant details. Thanks to @BazWalsh85 for mentioning this one.

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