Using an Apple device is still banned in the Gates household, it seems. Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder and among the worlds wealthiest men doesn’t allow members from his family to use Apple products.

Bill Gates

Though this was stated back in 2010 by Melinda Gates, wife of Bill Gates, that ‘nothing (Apple) crosses the threshold of our doorstep’ but as time flew by and new, exciting products were launched by Apple, somewhere it had crossed our minds that maybe it’s all fine for a member of the Gates family to buy an Apple device but strictly speaking, it doesn’t seem so.

In an interview with a U.K radio station, Melinda Gates confirmed that Apple devices are still not allowed and that sometimes her son and two daughters ask for Apple products but they don’t get them and instead Microsoft-made products such as a Windows Phone 8 device etc. are encouraged.

 “The wealth from our family came from Microsoft so why would we invest in a competitor?” – Melinda Gates

That’s indeed a competitive line from Melinda Gates but somewhere for them it holds good. Apple has been consistent in launching new products every now and then but after Steve Jobs’s demise, consumer interest in its products and services is not-surprisingly fading away, thanks to many-a-gaffes done recently including Apple Maps, firing of Scott Forstall et al.

Bill Gates


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