The Google Science Fair is an online science competition which is seeking out mavericks, square-pegs, curious minds and geniuses from all parts of the world, and inviting them to upload their science projects here.

Billed as the world’s largest online science competition, this year, the Google Science Fair 2012 is being held in partnership with Lego, National Geographic and Scientific American and CERN. It is open for all between the age of 13 and 18. To enter the competition, all you need is an idea – that is all – participation thereafter is very easy.

Steps to be taken:

  1. Register
  2. Get parental consent
  3. Build your project site
  4. Submit your project

Geniuses are not always A-grade students. We welcome all mavericks, square-pegs and everybody who likes to ask questions. Simply upload your project here to win some life changing prizes.

The 90 regional finalists will each receive a Google Chromebook. The 15 finalists, selected from these regional finalists, will be flown to Mountain View California for a chance to compete to become a finalist winner in their age category. The grand prizes includes a scientific trip to the Galapagos Islands with National Geographic Explorer, unique Google scholarships and real-life work opportunities in iconic science centers of excellence like CERN in Switzerland, and more.

So if you are interested in participating in this competition, head over to its home page. If you know someone who might be, please do share the page with him or her.


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