Readers may be aware that some time back BlueWaterProd has released a 48 page giant-sized comic book of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire on the planet and created something that has already had a profound impact on the world. The comic book script did not shy away from the harsh reputation Zuckerberg earned as a result of his business practices – and therefore became quite popular. It is currently retailing at $6.99 and available at most comic book stores.

Inspired by its success, the same publishers decided to release a 43-page comic book about Apple founder, Steve Jobs. This issue is scheduled to hit the stores this week and will retail at $3.99. The digital format release on the NOOK and Kindle is however already available today.

And now comes the news that a similar comic book on Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, the new action hero, is slated for a March release. This comic book will follow the life of William Gates from his early days writing basic code through the rise of Microsoft to his current humanitarian works.

There are definitely some similarities between Zuckerberg, Jobs and Gates. It takes a certain kind of drive and a certain kind of genius to move society the way they have. The idea behind both efforts is to show the person behind the personality and that it is never what you’d expect, says the publishers.

All these are available for order/or pre-order) on Amazon and are also available/will be available at most comic book stores.


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