Most webmasters must be aware of the Page Speed Browser extension for Chrome and Firefox browsers and also Page Speed Online. Google has now launched a new Page Speed Service. If you are a blogger or a webmaster looking to speed up the loading of your website, you might just want to check out this new offering from Google.
Page Speed Service is a new offering from Google that promises to automatically speed up loading of your web pages, by fetching content from your servers, rewriting your pages by applying web performance best practices and then serving them to end users via Google’s servers across the globe.
Now it goes without saying that the speed up will depend on several other factors like your browser, broadband speed, content on your pages, geographic location of access, bandwidth, etc.
Once you have successfully completed the initial setup and as your DNS CNAME change propagates, you should see the traffic to your site gradually increase, assures Google.
Currently, Page Speed Service is being offered to a limited set of webmasters free of charge. Later on it will be priced competitively, says Google.
Great! So if Google Panda has hit your website with a fall in traffic, you can now go back to Google and use this new paid service to try to get back your old traffic, since speed now also matters in Google search rankings! 🙂
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