In one of the posts on the MSDN Blogs, the product manager working along with the Windows Update team discussed about what’s coming in the next version of Windows. The post appears to have now been removed by Microsoft.

But here is the extract:

Folks started asking me whats in Windows 8 – and the first thing I have to say is that I resonate Steven Sinofsky’s interview on who said we’re calling it Windows 8?

So what are our plans for this next version…

The minimum that folks can take for granted is that the next version will be something completely different from what folks usually expect of Windows

Microsoft to come up with a vision for is a process that is surreal! The themes that have been floated truly reflect what people have been looking for years and it will change the way people think about PCs and the way they use them. It is the future of PCs…

Original MSDN Blog Page Link | Cached Page Link

Thanks to my MVP colleague Ankur Mittal for the heads up.


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