Add phonetic spelling to names to improve pronunciation with SiriAdd phonetic spelling to names to improve pronunciation with Siri

Siri doubles as a great hands-free helper with some extremely useful voice commands, but sometimes Siri can really mangle pronunciation of names that aren’t outright obvious. If you’re finding that Siri routinely either mispronounces a name or doesn’t understand a request regarding a certain contact, try adding special phonetic spelling fields to the troubled contacts:

  • Open Contacts and tap “Edit” on the contact you wish to add phonetic spelling to
  • Tap “Add Field” and choose “Phonetic First Name” and/or “Phonetic Last Name”
  • Fill in the fields for how the name should sound then tap “Done”

The more obvious you can make the pronunciation by spelling out syllables or sounds, the better the results. The screenshot uses a fabricated name, but Siri pronounces it correctly.

Phonetic spelling to contact names improves pronunciationPhonetic spelling to contact names improves pronunciation

This also has the side effect of improving the accuracy of when Siri is asked to call or text someone in your Contacts list, as it will take the phonetic spelling into account. This is particularly helpful with names that have unique spellings or pronunciations.


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