Phone iconPhone icon We all have received phone calls from numbers we don’t recognize, and even when they show up on the iPhone caller ID and provide an area code or region they’re coming from that call can still be a mystery. Like many others, I’ve gotten in the habit of just ignoring phone calls from numbers I don’t recognize, letting Voice Mail sort out if the caller is actually something important or just a telemarketer. But what if they don’t leave a message?

Use this little trick to quickly find out who called you, or at least who the number belonged to, and perhaps find some other additional details about the number as well:

  1. After the call has been missed, open Phone and tap on “Recents”
  2. Tap the phone number you missed to bring up more info on that call, then tap and hold on the phone number itself and select “Copy”
  3. Hit the Home button and launch Safari (or your mobile browser of choice) and tap and hold in the search bar, selecting “Paste” to enter the number previously copied
  4. Search as usual, 99% of the time the first few search results will be about the caller and identify them immediately

In the screenshot below you can see an example of how this works, with the second result revealing the caller to be Comcast. Yes, the search result has been swapped out with Comcast because the original caller probably wants some privacy, but you get the idea.

Find out who called you on an iPhone quicklyFind out who called you on an iPhone quickly

This obviously won’t work for calls that come through as “Blocked” due to the *67 prefix, and it obviously won’t work on “Unknown Number” calls either, but for anything else, it’s pretty handy.


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