How to stop typing periods automatically with double space on MacOS VenturaHow to stop typing periods automatically with double space on MacOS Ventura

If you have updated to MacOS Ventura, you may have noticed that if you double type a space, you end up with a period automatically typing itself.

Some users may appreciate the automatic typing of periods after hitting the spacebar twice, but many Mac users who write code, scripts, or write professionally, can be annoyed by the automatic typing of periods with the space bar.

Here’s how you can turn off the auto-typing of periods after hitting space twice in MacOS Ventura.

How to Stop Typing Periods Automatically in MacOS Ventura with Double-Space

Here’s how you can disable the automatic typing of periods with double-space bar in MacOS Ventura or newer:

  1. Go to the  Apple menu and choose “System Settings”
  2. Scroll down in the list and choose “Keyboard”
  3. Look for the Text Input section for ‘Input Sources’, and click the “Edit” button next to that
  4. How to stop adding period after double space on MacOSHow to stop adding period after double space on MacOS

  5. Locate the switch for “Add period with double-space” and toggle that OFF
  6. How to stop adding period after double space on MacOSHow to stop adding period after double space on MacOS

  7. Click Done

Now when you hit the space bar twice, the Mac will no longer automatically type a period.

This is aimed at MacOS Ventura 13 or newer, as stopping the auto-typing of periods on earlier MacOS versions is also possible and arguably much easier. But, like many other things in MacOS Ventura and the new and confusing System Settings, you may not know how to find the setting or turn this off in MacOS Ventura 13 or newer, and it’s obviously not easily found by many users.

Why the setting for adding a period with double-space is located in the Edit button next to Input Sources is a mystery, but it appears to be yet another gift of obfuscation in the System Settings experience of MacOS Ventura.

Do you like the shortcut for automatically typing periods when you hit the spacebar twice on the Mac? Or are you annoyed with this and you turn the feature off? Let us know in the comments.
