Stealth games have been one of the most innovative niches in game technology. Stealth means concealing identity and trying to be invisible while completing your mission. It could be anything from hiding while attempting to escape prison to creating aircraft which could dodge radar.

Free Stealth Games for Windows 10

Stealth games have been popular in the gaming market for quite long. Here is the list of best free stealth games for Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store:

  1. IGI
  2. War Inc.
  3. Ninja Warrior Sword Fight
  4. Sniper Shooter Blocky Hitman
  5. Stealth Helicopter Fighter Modern War
  6. Drone Strike 3D
  7. THEFT Inc. Stealth Thief Game
  8. Shadow Battle
  9. Prison Escape 2016 Pro
  10. Prison Escape 2 Pro.

1] IGI – Stealth Shooting Mission

Free Stealth Games for Windows 10

IGI is a typical third-person shooter game, complete with an excellent storyline and amazing graphics. If anything makes it different from the likes of battlefield games, it is stealth. The character is a lone commando with nothing but his M4 assault rifle, tasked to enter the enemy territory and complete operations without detection. He needs to fight enemy robots and disable them. The enemy is aware of the operation, thus making stealth even tougher. Check more about the game on the Microsoft Store here.

2] War Inc. – Modern World Combat

War Inc

The fact the World War 2 games were one of the best selling in the market of battlefield games, justifies why one on a hypothetical World War 3 would be a rage. That is exactly what War Inc. – Modern World Combat is. The game is based in 2085 when the world is torn apart by World War 3. Unlike any war fought earlier, World War 3 involves critical stealth technology and futuristic weaponry. The game could be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

3] Ninja Warrior Sword Fight

Ninja Warrior Sword Fight

The story of Ninja Warrior Sword Fight dates back to the Asia of the Feudal era. You assume the role of the Ninja who has to fight a massive army of barbarians. While armed with his blade, shuriken, and katana sword, the shinobi ninja is powerful, but not powerful enough to fight the vast army. This is where stealth becomes importance. You need to hide your identity so as to face minimum enemies at a point of time. The game is available on the Microsoft Store.

4] Sniper Shooter Blocky Hitman

Sniper Shooter Blocky Hitman

The gameplay of Sniper Shooter Blocky Hitman involves shooting down an entire army while camouflaging yourself. A sniper can easily kill targets from a distance, and it isn’t easy to capture him/her. However, if the enemy figures your location, you might be in trouble. The Sniper Shooter Blocky Hitman can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

5] Stealth Helicopter Fighter Modern War

Stealth Helicopter Fighter Modern War

Stealth is more important for air warfare technology than anything else. In Stealth Helicopter Fighter Modern War, you could be given a helicopter which has certain stealth features which block enemy radars. You need to bomb the enemy territory while evading radars. Check more about this game on the Microsoft Store here.

6] Drone Strike 3D

Drone Strike 3D

It is predicted that future wars might not involve men but machines. While human life might not be lost, winning war would be important for your nation’s dignity. The story of Drone Strike 3D is set in a futuristic world where drones attack enemy warships. Stealth has become important in that era. You could read further about the game on the Microsoft Store here.

7] THEFT Inc. Stealth Thief Game

THEFT Inc. Stealth Thief Game

If you are tired of being the good guy while playing games, try THEFT Inc. Stealth Thief Game. While playing it, you assume the role of a high profile thief. As a part of an organized crime syndicate, your job involves stealing stuff from the most secure locations. Obviously stealth matter for this act. Here it involves avoiding your shadow from falling in front of guards, reducing the noise your equipment creates, etc. The game could be downloaded from the Microsoft Store here.

8] Shadow Battle

Shadow Battle

In Shadow Battle, you assume the role of a gladiator who has been assigned the role of fighting an army of freedom fighters. While the uprising is tough to handle, you need to suppress it, or your emperor will lose the kingdom. Since you are fighting against a much bigger army of people, stealth becomes important. Try engaging minimum foes at a point of time. The game is available on the Microsoft Store.

9] Prison Escape 2016 Pro

Prison Escape 2016 Pro

Of all stealth games in this list, Prison Escape 2016 has been the most popular. In this game, you assume the role of a criminal who has been successful in all his pursuits except for the final one. You decide to rob a bank to make enough money that you wouldn’t need to work further and could live a comfortable life. However, your mates escape the scene and the police arrests you. Now after years in prison, you need to escape. Use all the stealth you learned in your long stealth career to escape the prison. Read more about the game on the Microsoft Store here.

10] Prison Escape 2 Pro

Prison Escape 2 Pro

While the origin Prison Escape 2016 was one of the most popular stealth games, its sequel Prison Escape 2 Pro is gaining the market too. The character in the first part escaped prison. In the second part, you assume the role of the good guy, a sniper shooter. You need to hunt down all criminals in the city while hiding yourself and your identity. The game could be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

Which game did you like the most? Let us know in the comments.

Ninja Warrior Sword Fight
