Brave Search is developed keeping in mind the privacy of the users. Until now, it depended on other search engines like Bing for 7% of query results. Now, Brave Search has removed Bing from the search results page to become 100% independent to give an alternative experience to the users by competing with the Microsoft search.

Brave Search

Brave Search removes Bing from search results page

Brave Search used to make API calls to Bing, which used to give 7% of query results. Brave has removed the API calls, to give 100% results from its own index.

When it was launced, Brave Search depended on Big Tech search engines like Google and Bing for 13% of its search results. After removing Google, now it has disscociated with Bing too as it has developed its own index.

The broad adoption of the Web Discovery Project allows users to anonymously contribute browsing data to grow the Brave Search index. It gave them scope to compete with Big Tech on both quality and privacy. Brave Search is the fastest-growing search engine since Bing with an average of about 22 million queries per day.

Brave users to receive 100% of search results from Brave Index

Brave users will now receive 100% of search results from the Brave Index. The privacy of the users will never be compromised as well as the quality of the results. Users can support the growth of Index by opting for Web Discovery Project and submitting feedback when Brave Search is lacking something. The uncertainty created by the new Bing-powered by ChatGPT motivated the Brave team to go for its own index.

Brave in its blog post, mentioned that Brave is planning to release its Brave Search API to help developers and companies to build search experiences and compete with Big Tech.

Brave Search


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