India’s premier investigating agency Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has cracked down on six private companies responsible for installing malware on computers, according to reports. The CBI swung into action in response to complaints that these companies had been installing malware disguised as antivirus software on people’s computers.

CBI India Malware

CBI busts malware scammers

In the pretext of installing antivirus software promising to safeguard computers against bogus security issues, these fraudsters were installing malware. A news agency PTI has released the complete list of companies busted by CBI’s team. These companies are located in Noida, Gurugram, Jaipur, and New Delhi:

  • Softwill Infotech Private Limited (New Delhi)
  • Saburi TLC Worldwide Services Private Limited (New Delhi)
  • Innovana Thinklabs Limited (Jaipur)
  • Systweak Software Private Limited (Jaipur)
  • Benovellient Technologies Private Limited (Noida)
  • Saburi Global Services Private Limited (Noida and Gurugram)

The CBI also carried out searches across Faridabad and Mainpuri.

Here’s what happened

The aforementioned companies allegedly sent pop-up messages on personal computers of users, courtesy of bogus security warnings about made-up issues, and the presence of malware in Windows, according to CBI officials.

Pop-up messages provided users with contact details of bogus call centers that advised victims to install certain anti-virus, which was essentially Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs), CBI told PTI.

“The victims are allegedly given the option to activate the PUPs by paying a fee online or by calling a support number advertised in the interface of the program. The victims are fraudulently influenced in this manner and allegedly fall in their trap to maintain their systems properly,” CBI Spokesperson RK Gaur said.

Fraudsters did not stop there. They further asked people to make payments through an online link to resolve the non-existent problems.

Read: How to Avoid Online Tech Support Scams.

Earlier this year, a BBC investigation revealed how an online vigilante, who goes by the name “Jim Browning”, exposed an Indian call center that was scamming people around the world, which eventually led to an arrest of the call center owner.

Watch the BBC investigation video below:

[wpcc-iframe title=”Spying On The Scammers | BBC Stories” width=”728″ height=”410″ class=”ezlazyload” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=”” srcdoc=”

CBI India Malware
