Google announced a major update to Chrome browser on Tuesday that improves overall loading time and battery consumption on the browser. Google Chrome has been infamous for being a big RAM and battery hog on your PC. The company is all set to change this image with this new update that promises a much-optimized experience.


Chrome Browser to load faster & consume lesser battery

This update comes just a week after Chrome integrated newer payment features and performance improvements to their browser. Google claims that Chrome performance has improved 15% YoY since the last time it was tested on the desktop as well as Android.

The company also mentions that battery life has been significantly improved over time. This video at the end of the post shows how exactly you can get 2 hours and 12 minutes more of Vimeo watching time on the 2016 Chrome compared to last year’s. All the tests have been performed on a Surface Book laptop.

While watching videos is not the only task for regular users, the new and improved Chrome browser also claims to use 33% less power on Mac devices.

Android Pay

Apart from performance upgrades and battery saving, the other big inclusion to Chrome browser is that of virtual payments through Android Pay. Launched by Google a couple of years back, Android Pay is currently one of the only popular virtual payment services in the world.

With Chrome 53 upgrade, Google has embedded the service right into your browser, whether on desktop or mobile. So, the update now brings you faster browsing, faster shopping and longer battery life. You can avail all of these on Chrome right now as the update is being rolled out to all the users across the globe.


There have been several comparison tests regarding browser speeds and loading times, in the past, and Google Chrome hasn’t faired quite well in most of them. Despite this, the average consumer isn’t generally bothered about comparisons but more about how much his personal browser has been updated YoY.

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