Have you ever felt the need to convert photos to PDF? Not many of us do, but for the few who truly need to perform such a task, well, we’re going to talk about a tool specifically designed for doing what you want. The tool in question is called Photo to PDF Converter, and from our brief testing of the product, it’s pretty good. Not a lot of work is required to get things done here. Just drag and drop the image, and you’re good to go. Not to mention, it supports all the common image formats right out of the box. Yes, it doesn’t mean everything, but most of us only tend to use a few image formats such as JPEG, PNG, WMF, EMF, and BMP more than anything else, to be honest. If you want to determine the size of the image, select the compression level to get things to the right size.

Apart from this free JPG, PNG images to PDF converter software, we will also take a look at some online tools that let you do this free.

Photo to PDF Converter free software

Right off the back, the user should realize how small this tool is. It’s just under 6MB, which means, downloading will be a breeze no matter the speed of your connection. Well, unless you’re still using dialup.

1] Conversion

Convert JPG, PNG images to PDF

OK, so converting an image to a PDF document is pretty simple and straight to the point. It’s made easier because the user interface is easy to understand, so even the biggest novice in the world should have little problems here.

To convert, just drag your image file to the spot or click on the button that says Add Your Files. Before hitting the Convert button, be sure to set your compression level, if any, color depth, and page layout.

2] Modification

In terms of modification, well, there’s quite a lot to do here. Users can set a watermark to their PDF files. Folks who want to rotate can do that as well, and not to mention, the option is there to encrypt a PDF page among other things.

3] Preferences

When it comes down to the settings, there’s not much to do here because it’s simple enough, to be honest. From here, users can set the output destination, the prefix, and other small things. That’s about it right there.

Download the tool directly from the official website.

JPG, PNG images to PDF online converter tools

The following tools are good enough for converting images to PDF if you’re not interested downloading a permanent app.

1] JPG to PDF

For our first online tool for converting images to PDF, we’d like to talk about JPG to PDF. This online tool makes it possible for users to combine multiple JPG images to a PDF document with ease.

At the bottom of the page, simply drag and drop your photos to the spot and begin the combine process. Visit JPG to PDF via the official website.

2] Image to PDF Online

While this one doesn’t come with the option to combine photos to create one massive PDF files, it’s still worth the time and effort. You see, the ability is there for users to compress files for smaller output.

Users can even select paper size and orientation. This is not possible with JPG to PDF at all.

To convert, click on Browse, select the image, then hit the Open key. Finally, click the big blue button that says Convert to PDF. Visit Image to PDF Online via www.imagetopdf.online.

3] Convert Image Online Free

This one is simple as it gets, believe us. Just click on Choose File, select the file you want to convert, then hit the button that says Convert. Users can even see a preview of the PDF before completing the conversion.

Visit Convert Online Free via the official website.

4] ConvertJPGtoPDF.net

Convert JPG file into PDF

Convert JPG file to PDF website lets you combine multiple images and convert them into a single PDF file. This online tool scales and rotates the images automatically without changing the resolution.

Which one do you use?

Related reads:

  1. Convert JPEG and PNG image files to PDF without using any tool
  2. PDF Candy is an awesome all-in-one online tool to manage PDFs.


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