Having a backup of your iOS device and its settings is important, so rather than completely disabling iOS backups in iTunes, you can choose to selectively disable only the automatic backup process. This is a much better solution because it allows you to create and retain local backups of an iPad, iPhone, or iPod when you want them, but they are no longer initiated on their own during the sync process.
The vast majority of users should retain the default behavior and allow iTunes to manage and back up your devices. This tip is intended for advanced users who have a compelling reason to disable the automated process.
Disable Automatic iTunes Backups
- Quit iTunes and then launch Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities/
- Enter the following defaults write command:
- Relaunch iTunes for changes to take effect
defaults write com.apple.iTunes AutomaticDeviceBackupsDisabled -bool true
Once automatic back ups are disabled, you can backup manually at any point by right-clicking on the device within iTunes sidebar and choosing “Back Up”, and you can continue to use iClouds manual initiation as well.
Re-Enable Automatic iOS Device Backups in iTunes
To reverse the change and re-enable automatic device backups, open Terminal and use the following defaults command before relaunching iTunes:
defaults write com.apple.iTunes AutomaticDeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false
Both sides of this change should only impact iTunes and have no effect on iCloud behavior.
A big thanks to Matt for the tip left in our comments!
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