Want to toss out the windows in your current application session, preventing them from reopening again via the Resume feature in OS X?
This is pretty easy you just have to remember to do it, to discard windows as you quit an app in Mac OS X just do the following:
Hold down the Option key while going to Quit and you will see the option to “Quit and Discard Windows”.
Choose that and quit.
When you quit with that option, you can relaunch the app and Resume will not relaunch any past windows. This is a great choice if you are browsing the web with a lot of tabs that you don’t want open again, and for a variety of other apps where the previously opened windows wouldn’t do you any good to automatically reopen.
Discarding windows this way is not a permanent change to Lion or the app, although you can disable window Resume completely if you don’t like the feature. Additionally, you can delete individual apps saved states after the fact.
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