DeskTask is an application that will display the Outlook Tasks and Calendar on your Windows desktop screen. DeskTask will pull the calendar items and Task List items right from the Outlook and put them there in front of you to see. This freeware is highly customizable as well. Here is a screenshot of what it will look like on your desktop.

Display Outlook Calendar Tasks on Windows desktop with DeskTask

Display Outlook Calendar & Tasks on Windows desktop

DeskTask for Windows 10

Once you install the application, it will place its icon in your system tray and, by default, pull up to 5 days of Calendar items. Go to its Options, right-click on the DeskTask icon in your system tray, and select Options.

In the General tab, you have to option to set the Refresh time. You can also select the language you want and assign a Hotkey to refresh the item. This means that you can set a key combination like Ctrl+Alt+D to refresh the item on the command, which is a much more excellent option. You can also right-click on the calendar or task item and click on Refresh as well. There are a few more options that can come in handy.

Display Outlook Calendar Tasks on Windows desktop with DeskTask

Under the Display tab, you can change the colors and fonts, the transparency, and show a shadow for the item.

Under the Calendar tab, you can increase the number of days to show the calendar item – i.e., by default, it will show five days on the calendar. If you want to increase this, you can do that as well.

Under the Task tab, you have the option to show only today’s task, show priority, show a complete task with a strike mark, etc. You can also set the item’s position or lock the item just by right-clicking on it.

DeskTask download

Overall it’s an excellent application for those who manage the Outlook calendar and tasks. The best part is you don’t have to open Outlook if you want to check your calendar quickly. I love this application and will be using it for a long time.

I hope you find this application helpful too. If you want to download it, please go here.

Can you show tasks on the Outlook calendar?

Your Outlook Calendar only displays the Daily Task List in the Day and Week views. When viewing the Daily Task List in Calendar, click View, then point to Daily Task List, click Normal or Off to turn it on or off, and drag up or down.

Does Outlook have a Kanban board?

Yes, but it is only available for Outlook on the web. You can pin cards and include useful information regarding a project.

Display Outlook Calendar Tasks on Windows desktop with DeskTask


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