You can enable video mirroring on the first gen iPad and iPhone 4 by using a pretty simple hack. You’ll need a few things and some patience before you get started, but it’s really not that hard to get this setup and working.

Here are the requirements:

  • Apple VGA Adapter or Apple Digital AV Adapter for mirroring
  • iOS 4.3.1 installed on the iPad or iPhone
  • Jailbroken iPhone or iPad 1: You can use redsn0w 0.9.6rc9 or PwnageTool 4.3. If you aren’t sure what to do, follow our guide to jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 with redsn0w.
  • CyberDuck or another SFTP client

Assuming you are now jailbroken, you must SSH into your iPad or iPhone (using the SFTP client) and locate the following directory:


Within this directory, look for the following files: “K48AP.plist” for iPad, or “N90AP.plist” for iPhone 4

Open the appropriate file in a plist editor (requires Xcode) and add the following key, type, and value as seen in the screenshot below: display-mirroring boolean YES

Save the plist file and upload back to the iPhone or iPad, then restart the device.

Now just plug in the AV cable and start mirroring!

This might even work with the iPhone 3GS and iPod touches but I can’t verify either.

This hack and pictures come from NatureEyeStudios via MacGasm, what a great find!


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