OpenDNS, the world’s largest provider of Internet navigation and security services that make networks safer, today released a report about the most commonly blocked and commonly white-listed websites. The report also lists the websites, online scammers most targeted in 2010, as well as where the majority of phishing websites were hosted.
In short:
- Facebook is both the most frequently blocked website, and the second most frequently whitelisted website. More than 14 percent of all users who block websites on their networks choose to block Facebook. Whitelists are typically used when there is a desire to block entire categories, but access to selected websites is granted on an exception basis. These sites represent the most trusted sites in their category.
- The most frequently blocked categories of content were related to online pornography. The proxy/anonymizers category, which contains sites users will use to try and circumvent Web content filtering settings, was the next most popular category of content to block.
- The top three most commonly blocked websites for business users in specific are Facebook, MySpace and YouTube.
- PayPal continues to be the most frequent target of phishing websites; it was targeted nine times more frequently than the next most frequent target, Facebook; 45 percent of all phishing attempts made in 2010 were targeting PayPal.
- Five of the top ten most-phished brands — Facebook, World of Warcraft, Sulake Corporation (makers of Habbo), Steam and Tibia (online games) — are associated with online and social games.
- The vast majority of phishing websites were hosted in the United States — more than 60,000 separate attempts came from websites hosted in the U.S.
A PDF with more extensive data can be downloaded from OpenDNS.
Thanks Labnol.
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