In a recent Law Enforcement Bulletin, the FBI has published a detailed write-up on ransomware. The bulletin includes how to recognize the ransomware, its threats and how to stay safe from ransomware. This proffer is useful not only to the people enforcing the laws; but also to the general public. Here is a glimpse of the bulletin that mentions how to stay safe from ransomware and prevent the threats.

How to stay safe from ransomware


What does the FBI bulletin say

The bulletin, titled as “Growing Risk of Data Sabotage: Protecting Law Enforcement Agencies” mentions that the cyber security is always on priority for proper law enforcement. However, nowadays, data-sabotage attack has become a common incidence. Its author  stresses more on that every individual and organization should prioritize protection against data-sabotage attack above all others.

One of the most threatening data-sabotage attacks is ransomware and its threats are growing. These threats affect the common public as well as police officials alike. Mr. Gregg mentions a recent incidence of ransomware attacks.

“Recent strikes targeted police and sheriff’s departments in Massachusetts, Maine, Illinois, and Tennessee. In all of these incidents, the criminals had financial motivations—the targeted agencies paid ransoms to the perpetrators, and the files were decrypted.”

Understanding the threat

Before understanding the methods of how to stay safe from ransomware, it is important to understand the type of threat and its consequences. The FBI bulletin mentions two categories of ransomware. These are,

“…the “crypto,” or encryption attack exemplified best by ransomware, and the “wiper” assault, which does not lock up files, but deletes them and destroys the computers and servers where they reside.”

He also mentions about the infecting agencies. Gone are the days when ransomware was spread only through the phishing emails. Today’s ransomware, wipers, and other dangerous malware are smart enough to infiltrate law enforcement organizations.

“First, agencies must establish formidable perimeter security, including a strong firewall and a robust antivirus or malware-exposure program with built-in phishing detection. Second, organizations must establish a strong backup defense in case attackers sneak past the perimeter.”

Cyber-attacks and ransomware attacks are some of the most concerning attacks for the law enforcement agencies. Some of the above mentioned preventive measures can provide the best protection against such threats if followed strictly.

Read the complete bulletin on the FBI website.

How to stay safe from ransomware


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