Siri and iPhone offer suicide hotline contactSiri and iPhone offer suicide hotline contact

Suicide is obviously a serious subject, tragically being one of the leading causes of death in the USA.

Siri recognizes this crisis, and will respond to inquiries about suicide with a helpful response providing information about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline hotline, with a quick button to tap on to contact the hotline number directly (1-800-273-8255). The crisis hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It’s important to point out that Siri will not automatically call the hotline if you offer a simple inquiry on the subject of suicide. That’s unlike with asking Siri to dial emergency services or 911 which has a countdown before doing so, or using Siri to dial other people in your Contacts list which will dial the number automatically.

Siri suggests suicide help on iPhoneSiri suggests suicide help on iPhone

As Siri notes, the National Suicide Prevention hotline offers free and confidential emotional support, so if you’re ever with your iPhone and feel the need, don’t hesitate to reach out, even if that’s to mention the word to Siri, and you’ll be able to talk to someone for help.

Nearly any mention of suicide or related terms to Siri will initiate the suggestion of the Suicide Prevention crisis line, so even if you’re asking general questions on the topic don’t be surprised to find Siri respond this way.

Of course it’s not just through Siri where this assistance is available, the Suicide Prevention Lifeline website offers additional information, including specific resources, and even a chat line, and that can be accessed from any iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC, Android, or anything else with a web browser.

So if you, or anyone you know, is ever in crisis or emotional distress, know there’s help out there, and Siri and an iPhone can help you reach it!

(This article is specifically for the USA, but similar iPhone and Siri features may be available in other countries if they have similar crisis programs and numbers)

Be well, and take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Siri iconSiri icon


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