Tracking Google Search presence of your podcasts has become easier. Google is working to introduce a new feature to help podcasters understand how listeners discover their content on Search. Podcasters can not only see impressions and clicks for Google Podcasts results that appear in Search but they can also track top discovered episodes and search terms that translate into organic traffic.

Google Podcasts Manager

Google Podcasts Manager sees expansion

The search giant is also helping podcasters optimize their content for greater search visibility. Google has been readying its podcasts manager portal for months. Google Podcasts Manager will replace Google Play Music Podcast Portal, the company has confirmed.

As a result, Google Podcasts Manager will be the sole destination for podcasts. As a result, Google has decided to pull the plug on Google Play Music Podcast Portal later this year. It’s only a matter of time when Google Podcasts Manager will be completely ready to take the responsibilities of your podcasts.

“As context, YouTube Music is replacing Google Play Music later this year. With this transition, we’re encouraging podcast listeners to transfer their subscriptions and episode progress to Google Podcasts, our dedicated podcast player available for free on Android, iOS and web,” Google explained.

In order to benefit from search engine performance tracking capabilities, content creators are recommended to transfer their existing shows to Google Podcasts Manager. Following are the applications of Google Podcasts Manager:

  • Dive deep into each episode to see when your listeners tune in—and when they drop off.
  • See how your audience listens across devices like smart speakers, smartphones, and desktops.
  • Make sure your podcast is available to podcast listeners across Google Search, Google Assistant, the Google Podcasts app, and more.

Similar to Google Search Console, Google Podcasts Manager allows podcasters to see the performance for a particular period. For each episode, podcasters can see how many times listeners tuned into the podcast, the number of plays, the number of plays in the first 30 days, the number of average plays, and more.

Read: Best free Podcast Apps for Windows 10

Device breakdown allows podcasters to see how the performance of their podcast on the phone, tablet, desktop, smart speaker, and other devices. Last but not least, podcasters can see top search terms leading to their podcast as well as top discovered episodes.

Do you want to know more about Google Podcasts Manager? Visit

Google Podcasts Manager


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