App StoreApp Store

New to Mac OS X and iOS is the ability to hide purchases from appearing in the Mac App Store, iOS App Store, and the iTunes Store purchased items lists. This is great if you download tons of stuff but use only a fraction of apps, and you don’t want the other items clogging up your purchase history. It’s also really easy to unhide purchases from all the online stores, and we’ll cover that too.

Hide Purchases from the iOS, Mac, & iTunes Stores

Hide a Purchase in iOS:

  • Swipe over any app to reveal the “Hide” button

Hide App Purchases in iOSHide App Purchases in iOS

Hide a Purchase in iTunes App Store or Mac App Store

  • Click on the “Purchases” tab, hover over any purchased item and click on the (X)

Hide Mac App Store purchasesHide Mac App Store purchases

Of course hiding the purchases is only useful if you can see them again if you need to. That’s just as easy, and regardless of iOS or Mac OS X it’s done through the account settings of iCloud:

View Hidden Purchases

Unhide purchases in iOS:

  • From Account settings, tap on ‘Hidden Purchases’ under the “iTunes in the Cloud” subheader

viewing hidden purchases in the iOS App Store on iPadviewing hidden purchases in the iOS App Store on iPad

Unhide purchases in iTunes or Mac OS X:

  • From Account settings in the iTunes or Mac App Store, click ‘View Hidden Purchases’ under the “iTunes in the Cloud” subheader

Unhide hidden purchases in the App StoreUnhide hidden purchases in the App Store

These features were added in Mac OS X 10.7.2 and iOS 5 and continue to be available.

Cheers to 9to5mac for the iPad screenshots and AJ for the Mac OS X screenshots.


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