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Did you know the Mac Messages app can support chatting with Google Hangouts natively?

This is a nice feature for Mac users who chat with Google Hangout and leave a web browser window open to do so, since you’ll be able to communicate and message through Google Hangouts (aka modern Google Talk) but directly in the same Messages app you use for iMessage communication on the Mac.

Adding Google Chat to iMessages on Mac

  1. Open the Messages app and pull down the “Messages” menu then choose “Add Account
  2. Add an account to Messages for Mac for Google HangoutsAdd an account to Messages for Mac for Google Hangouts

  3. Select “Google” from the account types
  4. Choose Google as account to messages for macChoose Google as account to messages for mac

  5. Sign in with your Google account to add Google Hangouts to Messages app on the Mac
  6. Log in to Google Hangouts account for adding to Messages for MacLog in to Google Hangouts account for adding to Messages for Mac

That’s all there is to it, you’ll be able to message users via Google Hangouts directly from the same iMessage app on the Mac.

Note if you use two factor authentication for Google (as you should) then you’ll need to generate an app password for setting up with Messages on the Mac.

The Messages for Mac app is more diverse than many users realize, and it actually supports multiple other chat protocols including the native iMessage, SMS texting, AOL, AIM, Google as outlined above, and any Jabber based chat protocol too. Once upon a time even Facebook messenger and Yahoo Messenger was supported too!


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